Kaki ke Kavu ka birthday!

Good Morning, Click on the link to witness some good pictures ❤️ http://www.instagram.com/p/CQFUBgLgJES/


When trapped I feel the weight of my wings, When trapped I feel the days sleeping by, When trapped I feel we did nothing good, When trapped I feel we could have changed this. Greedily depleting everything around Little did we notice, we were digging graves One for ourself today, personalised And one for tomorrow…

On my death bed

humming an old forgotten song, thinking about you, the air turns heavier to breathe and my heart slows down. closing my eyes I remind self and smile, I have lived a life fuller than these grey clouds and have loved a heart who loved me back. And this is how full-filling my end would be….

into the wild…

a soft breeze carries my dreams to the meadows the dandelions embraces my dreams and adds a little pixie dust the dancing creepers walks with my dream and shows the path into the wild, my dreams are alive and nurtured to survive.

Season’s First Rain Showers

“Happy First Shower of the Season” How amazing it is to feel the earth, rejuvenating and self healing at certain time each year. it decides to shred all its old dreaded self and grow into it’s most beautiful version. Rainy season has finally began in Mumbai. We mumbaikars are rushing to make ourself a cup…