Tough Times, Tougher You – Day 2

It’s very weird and some of you know it. When time gets tough, the first ones who will stop checking on you are your recent family members (only if you belong to the luckier side of the world) Your parents, siblings, In-laws and extended blood relatives. They will never call you to check on you…

Out, Wild & Raw

“If we were meant to stay in one place, we’d have roots instead of feet.”― Rachel Wolchin I wasn’t truly believing this until recently my health started taking a detour. It is a struggle and lots and lots of unexpressed or unshared hustles that goes behind this which reflects on the reality we showcase here….

चलो मान लिया मेरे बदले कोई और मिल ही गया तुम्हे|

चलो मान लिया मेरे बदले कोई और मिल ही गया तुम्हे| चलो मान लिया की तुम अब किसी और के साथ हो, उसके साथ फोटो देखि थी तुम्हारी|चलो मान लिया की तुमको अब मेरी याद नहीं आएगी, मेरे बदले कोई और मिल ही गया तुम्हे| अब वह सारी बाते तुम उसे करोगे,जिस बातो पे हम…

Life gets busy & we get busier.

Life gets busy and if you don’t take a hold of it, it gets busier and busier as day passes by. Time has been gushing by us ever since we got married. Adaptations after marriage, learning about each other, evolving together and stepping each stones towards our goals made us busier! And then one fine…

Matheran: Lost in these moments

What is the most important thing while you travel? For us it is to get lost in that every moment we experience something new and explore something new and at that lost moment, we find us. The real us. The real existence. The meaning of love and living! This last short weekend trip to #matheran…